Monday, December 28, 2009

Strange if True

In July of 2008 a servere persecutions of Christians broke out in India the state of Orissa. The end results was 500 Christians where murdered and scores injuried.
In recent months since July of 2009 Elephants have been attacking storming villiage mostly the worst persecutors of Christians.

Friday, December 4, 2009

From a Un-named Retired Surgeon

Anecdotal evidence;
An eye surgeon reminded me that in 1986 the Tax Reduction Act reduced taxes but also reduced payment to doctors. With Obamacare taxes will go up and payments will again go down, this is to control costs to medical care.

In 1986 to remove catarate in the state of Arazona a Surgeon was paid $2000 last year that payment was $650.

At Washington University the Chief of Surgery reports that they have 140 slots to fill to train surgeons only 40 applied.

I see a problem

Climagate Scandal and it's Scientist

The scientists included in the Climategate emails from the University of East Anglia Include:

James Hansen the scientist who kicked off the scare with testimony before Congress in 1988 by saying that temperatures would rise four times faster than they have.

Kevin Trenbirth the author of the now discredited paper of 1997 updated in 2008 pretending to show that there is a dangerous accumulation of heat energy in the atmosphere.

Ben Santer, the scientist who rewrote the main conclusions of the UN's 1995 Climate Assessment Report so as to change them from a statement that humanity was having no measurable effect on global temperature to a statement that humanity was affecting temperature.

Phil Jones of the University of East Anglia who for years refused to allow other scientists access to his computer programs and temperature data so they could check them and who, as the emails reveal, advised other conspirators that they should destroy data that had been validly requested by other scientists using the UK Freedom of information Act.

Michael Mann of Penn State University who fabricated and contrived the headline graph in the UN's 2001 climate assessment report which falsely attempted to state that the middle ages were not warmer than the present day when the scientific, historical and archaeological consensus was and is that the middle ages was substantially warmer throughout the world and that today's temperatures are not exceptional.

Tom Karl the director of the national climatic data center of the US NOAA, who compiled another global temperature record who's errors and exaggerations of recent warming have caused concern.

Gavin Schmidt who is involved in compiling the temperature record kept by NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies, a record which has repeatedly been found to have exaggerated and overstated recent warming.

Keith Briffa who has succeeded in persuading the conspirators that in order to achieve the desired result of pretending that today's temperatures are exceptionally wrong that they should rely upon the measurement of tree rings from a single tree in rural Russia.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

skepticism will rarely steer you wrong. In fact, it's one of the key elements of rational thinking.

We have found out that respected men discussed the manipulation of science, the blocking of freedom of information requests, the exclusion of dissenting scientists from debate, the removal of dissent from the peer-reviewed publications, and the discarding of historical temperature data and e-mail evidence.
Phil Jones, the director of the CRU and the man at the heart of climategate. According to one of the documents hacked from his center, between 2000 and 2006 Mr. Jones was the recipient (or co-recipient) of some $19 million worth of research grants, a sixfold increase over what he'd been awarded in the 1990s.
There is a film about AIDS "The Band Plays On" and it remains a quietly powerful work. We too soon forget the politics and egos that needlessly allowed that disease to spread. An example of another scandal in a previous decade with consequences that we cannot afford in a different scientific discipline.
Tthe keepers of the keys to the global warming cathedral. In one of the more telling disclosures from last week, a computer programmer writes of the CRU's temperature database: "I am very sorry to report that the rest of the databases seems to be in nearly as poor a state as Australia was. . . . Aarrggghhh! There truly is no end in sight. . . . We can have a proper result, but only by including a load of garbage!"

This is not the sound of settled science, but of a cracking empirical foundation. And however many billion-dollar edifices may be built on it, sooner or later it is bound to crumble.

Religion of Peace

Comedian Steven Crowder talks about the Qur'an and Muhammad

Poll of Teens

At the Fabtech 2009 trade show last week, one of the organizers unveiled a national poll of 500 teens showing more than half want nothing to do with a career in manufacturing.

Manufacturing employment has collapsed over the past decade, to a much greater extent than during the Rust Belt crisis that got so much attention years ago.

Between 1980 and 1989, America lost 1.4 million manufacturing jobs, or 7.3 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Between 2000 and last month, 5.6 million jobs went away, a devastating one-third of the total.

What teenager would aspire to become one of those statistics?

America is losing the know-how required for innovation and may never get it back, "A manufacturing base is very hard to rebuild."

What do Teens aspire to become? From JA, Engineer," "Science" and "Doctor" top the list.


Coming from a family of owners of private business, I remember it was considered equal to a death sentence to work for someone else. These family members worked hard and long hours and it was unthinkable to join the line of people looking for work.

This generation where teens during the Great Depression. Starting a business was their life line to recover from the depression and they never credited the government for their success.

One uncle used the GI Bill to start his own business. My father before him used his education and wits to acquire a loan to start his business, both of them neither looked back or even consider changing coarse.